There are two types of oysters raised in Zeeland: flat Zeeland oysters (Zeeuwse platte) and creuses (Zeeuwse bolle). Both are raised in the Grevelingen and Eastern Scheldt.
Creuses Oysters (Zeeuwse bolle)
In Zeeland, you will mostly find the Japanese oyster. This oyster is usually called creuses (Zeeuwse Bolle) on the menu.
In the 1960s, the Dutch flat oyster suffered from an oyster disease. Growers hoped the Japanese version would be stronger – and they were.
In fact, they were so strong that a real plague started in the 1970s, almost completely expelling the Dutch oyster. The Japanese oyster is easy-going: it doesn’t need a lot of space and is pretty much ok with any type of soil. They start reproducing at the age of one already and grow extremely fast. An adult oyster can reach a size of 40 centimeters. Wow! Wow!
The Flat Zeeland Oysters (Zeeuwse platte)
Only the flat oysters are traditionally found in Zeeland. In fact, the Zeeland flat oyster is the only oyster that originates throughout Europe; all other species are imported or bred. The difference between the two is that flat oysters take about six years before they can be eaten while the creuse is fully grown after just two years.